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Sunday, April 26, 2009


Carpenter bees are a nuisance. They bore into wooden decks, siding or any exposed woods around the home. The female carpenter bee chews tunnels into the wood, where she will make cells to lay her eggs. Control of CARPENTER BEE'S can be difficult and time-consuming because each individual tunnel must be treated. Although wood that has been newly painted is less likely to be attacked, painting does not make the wood immune to attack. Homeowners should try to control CARPENTER BEE'S whenever they are observed boring into decks or sliding. Dusting around the entrance to the tunnel with 5 percent Sevin dust is an effective control method. Sevin is an insecticide that is highly toxic to bees. The female CARPENTER BEE will come into contact with the insecticide when it enters the tunnel and die. However, do not plug the holes because there may be some eggs in the tunnels and the newly hatched CARPENTER BEE'S will unplug the holes when they emerge. After the newly hatched bees emerge the tunnels must be plugged or CARPENTER BEE'S may use them again next year.

I have found another way to get rid of CARPENTER BEE'S is to put a straw or something similar into the hole. Bee's can get out, however, they cannot get back in. I used this trick with a bored out pen lid on some wasps which were infesting a house I live in a number of years ago. After a few hours, I went back out and found a butt load of wasps hanging around the wall trying to find a way back in. So I sprayed them and all was well.

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